Seminavis robusta (Sro)


[Photo from Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of Micro-organisms – Brussels, Belgium]

Seminavis robusta (AlgaeBase) is a marine pennate diatom belonging to the large Naviculaceae family. It is dioecious and exhibits a size reduction–restitution life cycle, where sexual reproduction is size dependent and results in restoration of cell size. Recently, diproline was identified as a pheromone involved in its sensing of mature partners for reproduction. S. robusta is easy to cultivate and tolerant to inbreeding, making it a good candidate for molecular and genetic studies. Furthermore, its relatively large cell size (up to 80 µm long) is an advantage with regard to bioimaging studies. It has two large chloroplasts which divide transversely and relocate to the valves during the S/G2 phase of the cell cycle. Due to its large size and well-characterised development, the chloroplast of S. robusta is promising as a model system for studies of chloroplast morphology and development in diatoms. [From Brembu, T., Winge, P., Tooming-Klunderud, A., Nederbragt, A. J., Jakobsen, K. S., & Bones, A. M. (2014). The chloroplast genome of the diatom Seminavis robusta: New features introduced through multiple mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer. Marine Genomics 16: 17-27]

The experimental samples used for this species can be found in Data S13 of our supplementary data.

Sequences (37718)