Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Cre12.g540400 30793202, RCD1 0.805218897901 18 Cre12.g518300 30791790 0.774797664294 50 Cre17.g726050 Protein degradation.peptidase families.cysteine-type peptidase activities.ubiquitin-specific protease 30781855 0.774154849939 97 Cre02.g103500 Lipid metabolism.sphingolipid metabolism.sphingobase hydroxylase 30786476 0.763728537389 16 Cre02.g141900 30785149 0.756396320985 22 Cre03.g155650 30786806, CLC1 0.751090371455 81 Cre10.g439150 Protein degradation.26S proteasome.regulatory particle.ATPase subunits.RPT5 regulatory component 30790715, RPT5 0.749767199133 28 Cre04.g212600 30791576 0.745598805157 14 Cre02.g113750 30786350 0.738092011645 90 Cre06.g278256 Protein degradation.26S proteasome.regulatory particle.non-ATPase subunits.RPN8 regulatory component 30779235, RPN8 0.737866483295 84 Cre07.g351850 30775411 0.737440600292 38 Cre12.g520300 30792510 0.732079742986 92 Cre01.g049450 Cell wall.sporopollenin.exine wall formation.NPU primexine deposition factor 30788445 0.728078769101 83 Cre12.g521350 SEC1 family transport protein SLY1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 30792127, SLY1 0.727120636403 95 Cre16.g692050 Vesicle trafficking.SNARE target membrane recognition and fusion complexes.Qa-type SNARE components.SYP3-group protein 30778217 0.718326459092 99 Cre06.g250350 30778474 0.717266584853 49 Cre06.g280850 Protein degradation.26S proteasome.20S core protease.beta-type subunits.beta type-7 component 30780030 0.717004432234 76 Cre12.g491250 30791880 0.716300253963 64 Cre08.g367750 30773938 0.715960214041 52 Cre17.g702550 30782304 0.714769592484 55 Cre17.g709250 30782739 0.708817888518 72 Cre08.g375850 30773776 0.701396186513 84 Cre16.g685277 Vesicle trafficking.clathrin coated vesicle (CCV) machinery.AP-3 Golgi to vacuole cargo adaptor complex.AP3M medium mu subunit 30778085, AP2M2 0.697195765367 94