Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Cre03.g199647 RNA processing.RNA quality control Exon Junction complex (EJC).core components.eIF4A3 helicase component 30786562, EIF4A 0.784929432341 15 Cre03.g178600 Cell cycle.interphase.DNA replication.preinitiation.TOP1 DNA topoisomerase 30787789, TOP1 0.777688756094 13 Cre10.g457700 Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group(50.2.7 : 243.8) & Calcium-dependent protein kinase 17 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica 30790742 0.775079475568 24 Cre05.g240550 ER membrane protein complex subunit 8/9 homolog OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 30783143 0.768958033495 37 Cre09.g391023 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP2A-4 catalytic subunit OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica 30781131 0.768195501928 16 Cre07.g321650 Cell cycle.regulation.cyclins.CYCT-type cyclin 30774255, CYCL1 0.760308970954 31 Cre03.g157300 Probable CCR4-associated factor 1 homolog 7 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 30787087, CAF1 0.751884842695 20 Cre01.g038800 Solute transport.channels.MIP family.small basic intrinsic protein (SIP-type) 30789430 0.750575574625 26 Cre06.g278154 30778506 0.746196623789 65 Cre02.g118250 30785507, SWB1 0.742749651839 32 Cre08.g371450 Vesicle trafficking.Coat protein I (COPI) coatomer machinery.coat protein complex.cargo adaptor F-subcomplex.zeta subunit 30773469, COPZ1 0.74213187392 64 Cre01.g052350 Protein biosynthesis.organelle translation machineries.mitochondrial ribosome.large subunit proteome.mtRPL20 component 30788950, MRPL20 0.740705972899 14 Cre02.g103500 Lipid metabolism.sphingolipid metabolism.sphingobase hydroxylase 30786476 0.740158311276 37 Cre02.g084050 Protein translocation.endoplasmic insertion system.Sec62 accessory component 30784944, SEC62 0.735311861223 93 Cre13.g591851 30784373 0.733065000383 25 Cre10.g419800 Lipid metabolism.glycerolipid synthesis.phosphatidylinositol.phosphatidylinositol synthase 30790504, PIS1 0.728344792889 45 Cre02.g095070 Protein translocation.endoplasmic insertion system.SRP (signal recognition particle) complex.SRP19 component 30786473, SRP19 0.725775028892 22 Cre07.g328900 Protein modification.phosphorylation.CAMK kinase superfamily.CDPK kinase 30774791 0.720882920554 33 Cre09.g394100 Vesicle trafficking.clathrin coated vesicle (CCV) machinery.AP-1 trans-Golgi network cargo adaptor complex.AP1S small sigma subunit 30781425, AP1S1 0.720423382965 34 Cre07.g324600 Vesicle trafficking.clathrin coated vesicle (CCV) machinery.AP-2 cargo adaptor complex.AP2S small sigma subunit 30775415, AP2S2 0.717762136859 26 Cre17.g725050 Protein degradation.peptide tagging.Homologous-to-Ubiquitin (HUB)-anchor addition.HUB ubiquitin-fold protein 30782093 0.717278407755 39 Cre16.g675246 Chromatin organisation.histone modifications.histone deacetylation.SHL1 histone deacetylation complex recruiting protein 30778069 0.71208405367 89 Cre03.g176250 Solute transport.primary active transport.V-type ATPase complex.membrane V0 subcomplex.subunit d 30787498, ATPvD1 0.708502772576 35 Cre13.g569200 Protein translocation.endoplasmic insertion system.SRP (signal recognition particle) complex.SRP54 component 30784605, SRP54 0.706905277852 67 Cre12.g491250 30791880 0.706197498031 85 Cre16.g665600 Protein modification.phosphorylation.CMGC kinase superfamily.CK-II kinase.catalytic alpha subunit 30778156 0.705707643217 55 Cre06.g269450 Protein biosynthesis.translation initiation.pre-initiation complex (PIC).eIF3 mRNA-to-PIC binding complex.eIF3g component 30778445, EIF3G 0.704824187259 41 Cre17.g702550 30782304 0.704171299125 72 Cre01.g040450 Phytohormones.cytokinin.perception and signal transduction.AHP-type signal transducer 30788392, HDT1 0.699128611844 50 Cre17.g722350 GTP-binding protein YPTM2 OS=Zea mays 30782283 0.69785015827 67 Cre05.g234665 Vesicle trafficking.endomembrane trafficking.vacuolar sorting.AP-4 vacuole cargo adaptor complex.AP4B large beta subunit 30783487, AP4B4 0.688037929133 70 Cre06.g279000 Protein degradation.26S proteasome.20S core protease.beta-type subunits.beta type-1 component 30779585 0.687605389138 97 Cre03.g183050 Solute transport.channels.MMgT-type magnesium cation transporter 30786523 0.682128589607 64 Cre12.g560150 Vesicle trafficking.regulation of membrane tethering and fusion.RAB-GTPase activities.D-class RAB GTPase 30793394 0.681693980239 83 Cre12.g559250 14-3-3-like protein OS=Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 30792509, FTT1 0.680329000628 71 Cre17.g738350 30781698 0.679382642357 76 Cre06.g250350 30778474 0.675695177964 93 Cre08.g369350 30774006 0.674260689887 84 Cre10.g419750 RNA biosynthesis.DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (Pol) complexes.regulatory subunits.subunit 3 30790762, RPB3 0.671377556989 88 Cre12.g555350 Protein RER1C OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 30791750, RER1 0.671234774905 89 Cre16.g667750 RNA biosynthesis.DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (Pol) complexes.regulatory subunits.subunit 7 30776850, RPB7 0.669264724428 94