Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr OT_13G02220.1 NUDIX hydrolase domain [Interproscan]. 0.8339022130385213 5 OT_17G00110.1 Hypothetical protein 0.8323391278258904 10 OT_05G02090.1 Protein of unknown function DUF3054 [Interproscan]. 0.8322093532869593 13 OT_03G05940.1 Palmitoyltransferase, DHHC domain [Interproscan]. 0.8248307269887208 9 OT_11G01220.1 Hypothetical protein 0.8236180766974968 32 OT_07G04610.1 UbiE/COQ5 methyltransferase [Interproscan]. 0.8185031692557564 12 OT_18G00870.1 2Fe-2S ferredoxin-type iron-sulfur binding domain [Interproscan]. 0.8182294089052401 13 OT_07G02500.1 Hypothetical protein 0.8106111220277541 25 OT_03G03200.1 Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, aerobic [Interproscan]. 0.8102750277557444 32 OT_17G00130.1 GUN4-like [Interproscan]. 0.8102599533223166 74 OT_06G03740.1 Protein of unknown function DUF3593; Uncharacterised protein family Ycf49 [Interproscan]. 0.8099791356796284 11 OT_01G01800.1 GNAT domain [Interproscan]. 0.8095316710930514 12 OT_20G00710.1 Hypothetical protein 0.8088604121671835 13 OT_01G01960.1 ATP phosphoribosyltransferase, catalytic domain; Histidine biosynthesis HisG, C-terminal [Interproscan]. 0.8019701054250328 69 OT_07G00490.1 Hypothetical protein 0.8002355720996907 31 OT_04G03300.1 DXP reductoisomerase C-terminal domain; 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, N-terminal; 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, C-terminal [Interproscan]. 0.7983360504850642 71 OT_18G00820.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7937097332258735 20 OT_02G05320.1 Fatty acid desaturase domain [Interproscan]. 0.7925605636276758 23 OT_03G05230.1 PPM-type phosphatase domain [Interproscan]. 0.7865025816975304 78 OT_01G02120.1 NFACT, RNA-binding domain [Interproscan]. 0.7855459634179824 45 OT_12G00650.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7824674802851211 54 OT_01G02440.1 PPM-type phosphatase domain [Interproscan]. 0.7794024229048813 66 OT_13G00340.1 Ankyrin repeat-containing domain [Interproscan]. 0.7745763578797665 83 OT_15G00560.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7731002714646434 24 OT_15G00730.1 Cytochrome P450 [Interproscan]. 0.77225394139272 32 OT_10G00200.1 Vitamin K epoxide reductase [Interproscan]. 0.7693995608940599 85 OT_10G02610.1 Uncharacterised protein family Ycf33 [Interproscan]. 0.7660632427106243 27 OT_01G02200.1 Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase [Interproscan]. 0.7651405605625559 96 OT_10G02690.1 Rieske [2Fe-2S] iron-sulphur domain; Pheophorbide a oxygenase; NFACT, RNA-binding domain; NFACT protein, C-terminal; Fibronectin-binding protein A N-terminus (FbpA) [Interproscan]. 0.7651082113964042 33 OT_15G01320.1 PsbP, C-terminal [Interproscan]. 0.765099926381023 76 OT_03G01030.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7649057997928478 61 OT_04G03620.1 Uncharacterised domain UPF0126 [Interproscan]. 0.7627589185650132 32 OT_04G01820.1 FAS1 domain; Chlorophyll A-B binding protein [Interproscan]. 0.7624307787752952 100 OT_13G02590.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7607850417708176 34 OT_14G00600.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7581975201899285 37 OT_10G00210.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7558564677143124 58 OT_03G05570.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7548560032845334 52 OT_18G01900.1 Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, aerobic [Interproscan]. 0.7524396535832131 39 OT_04G03990.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7521218774180588 40 OT_01G04670.1 AP2/ERF domain [Interproscan]. 0.7458542209364928 69 OT_17G00360.1 2Fe-2S ferredoxin-type iron-sulfur binding domain [Interproscan]. 0.7456564643846679 69 OT_04G04200.1 PetM of cytochrome b6/f complex subunit 7 [Interproscan]. 0.7435746935196448 57 OT_12G01030.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7399330434074339 47 OT_14G00810.1 Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase domain, ApaH type [Interproscan]. 0.7397899559792549 48 OT_09G01390.1 Tab2-like [Interproscan]. 0.736441383401224 95 OT_05G04060.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat; CBS domain [Interproscan]. 0.7363707959112309 60 OT_07G00820.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7359512628836186 53 OT_03G04130.1 Fusarinine C esterase SidJ [Interproscan]. 0.7358272735013912 89 OT_02G03080.1 Ferredoxin thioredoxin reductase, alpha chain [Interproscan]. 0.7349152409536891 55 OT_06G03240.1 2Fe-2S ferredoxin-type iron-sulfur binding domain [Interproscan]. 0.7343638958986809 90 OT_05G01260.1 Porphobilinogen deaminase, N-terminal; Porphobilinogen deaminase, C-terminal [Interproscan]. 0.7343038265356943 73 OT_03G05220.1 Hypothetical protein 0.733881571219378 58 OT_13G01330.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7334983492773032 59 OT_01G04380.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7330055481727706 61 OT_15G01030.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7319143821493088 62 OT_20G00080.1 Aminotransferase class-III [Interproscan]. 0.72862409947754 99 OT_04G01630.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7255743024373424 70 OT_10G02550.1 Hypothetical protein 0.724468923410066 67 OT_05G05070.1 ChlI/MoxR, AAA lid domain; von Willebrand factor, type A; Magnesium chelatase ChlI domain [Interproscan]. 0.7241138372718703 89 OT_15G01380.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7235444713827353 82 OT_04G02350.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7212237252307933 72 OT_09G04470.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7208831772358357 71 OT_08G02800.1 Suppressor of forked [Interproscan]. 0.7191755525389001 73 OT_02G03610.1 Domain of unknown function DUF89 [Interproscan]. 0.7181213843374233 98 OT_07G03150.1 Exonuclease, RNase T/DNA polymerase III [Interproscan]. 0.7166244251658687 91 OT_04G01380.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7157944673400476 99 OT_08G03350.1 Photosystem II Pbs27 [Interproscan]. 0.7142603672244249 79 OT_08G01200.1 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase [Interproscan]. 0.7122964695782953 81 OT_15G00200.1 NAD(P)-binding domain [Interproscan]. 0.7085788436772119 88 OT_20G00940.1 CRAL-TRIO lipid binding domain [Interproscan]. 0.7067854411311526 85 OT_13G00600.1 HAD domain in Swiss Army Knife RNA repair proteins [Interproscan]. 0.7062119466288408 86 OT_09G03150.1 SET domain; Rubisco LSMT, substrate-binding domain [Interproscan]. 0.7040572772954575 100 OT_01G05550.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7037889823423772 88 OT_12G00540.1 Methyltransferase domain 25 [Interproscan]. 0.7032623350329592 89 OT_09G03510.1 Hypothetical protein 0.7012769211159952 91 OT_02G04960.1 Fumarylacetoacetase-like, C-terminal [Interproscan]. 0.7003887714396003 95 OT_07G03970.1 Hypothetical protein 0.6982704795244681 97 OT_16G02060.1 GHMP kinase, C-terminal domain; GHMP kinase N-terminal domain [Interproscan]. 0.696696576637986 98 OT_08G02300.1 Hypothetical protein 0.6965626217549905 99