OG_01_0030186 (OrthoFinder)

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There are 2 sequences with this label.

Sequences (2) (download table)
XM_002500389.1 MICPUN_56778, 56778 Micromonas commoda Hypothetical protein
XM_003059108.1 MicpuC2_58712, 58712 Micromonas pusilla Hypothetical protein

Expression Context Conservation
Query Target ECC Score Actions
No ECC relations found between genes from this family

InterPro Domains
Label Description Count Sequence count Species count

No associated domains for this item in the database.

GO terms
Label Name Description Sequence count Species count

No associated GO terms for this item in the database.

Other families
Label Sequence count Species count

No associated families for this item in the database.

No external references for this sequences in the database.